Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My book hunt

Here  is my photo of my books that I found with all the things on the scavenger hunt list.
This rime we had to find,
  • An animal in a book
  • The word winter
  • Helping someone in a book 
  • Picture of a sun
  • A book that makes me laugh which is "I need a new bum"
  • A bug in a book
  • Someone sleeping in a book
  • A character eating
  • A pet in a book
  • A cat in a book
  • Superhero 
  • A bike in a book.
My animal and cat were in the same book,
I enjoyed finding all these books my sister Emilee
helped me after I was done we read Wheres Wally books
with my Dad Toby.


  1. Hi Caleb
    It looks like you have some really beautiful books there. 'I Need a New Bum' makes me laugh too. I laughed out loud when Mrs Long read it to the class last year when I was in her class with you. You have done really well with your book hunt. How long did it take you to finish your book hunt?

    1. It taken me ages because I have so many books! thank you for commenting on my blog.

  2. You have done well with your book hunt Caleb. I have not read the book I need a new bum. Is this a funny book?

  3. Yes it is I am learning to read it with my Mum so when I'm good I can read it to you. Thank you for commenting


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